Tag Archives: clouds

Love is like the clouds

Watching something so beautiful can never get old.
Watching something so beautiful can never get old.

I have never considered myself a romantic or maybe I’m just in denial. I don’t know why I don’t want to admit that I’m a romantic at heart. Maybe, for fear that people will think I’m sappy or emotional. Or maybe it’s more complicated than that. Maybe I’m just afraid to utter the words out loud about what love is for fear that I will never find it or that my expectations are too high for anyone to reach it.

Love is like the clouds that hide its face
before the sunsets closes in, and covers the sky
Achingly beautiful, touching our very core
With its burst of colors from the stormy greys to the brilliant blues and pinks
Before being lovingly embraced by Night,
No longer visible until the sunrise and a new dawn begins
Bringing with it the glorious rays of a new day,
A day where we once again believe in love

I love watching the sunrise and sunset because it calms the yearning in my heart and gives me hope of finding a love that is all encompassing and consuming..A love without conditions.


Around 6:00 in Yuma, Az
Around 6:00 in Yuma, Az

Taken with the iphone
Taken with the iphone

Never get tired of looking at this.
Never get tired of looking at this.

Sunset on San Diego
Sunset on San Diego
Hawaiian sunset
Hawaiian sunset
Palms and sunset
Palms and sunset
View from Diamond Head, Hawaii
View from Diamond Head, Hawaii