Category Archives: Quiz/Survey

What’s more important?

I am interested in finding out what Lao people do after high school since there is such a low number of college attendees among our ethnic group.  Here’s a couple of questions I would like an answer to.  Paragraph response would be appreciated! I included a link to a youtube video because it reminded me of how some Lao people are ignorant or pretend to be ignorant.  All I could think of is these people need to go back to school and I wish they were in my class so I can teach them! It also makes me wonder how many Lao people paid attention in school or if they even think education was important. The youtube video was created by the Lao roots magazine.  The host are bright young men, but some of the people they interview are not very knowledgeable.  Yes, some of them might have been nervous or they were just clowning around for the camera, but it’s apparent some of them need to be more educated. The questions are pretty basic and everybody should know it whether they are Lao or not, but it made me wonder if it is the norm among Lao people to think that it’s okay to be ignorant?  The beauty pageant contestants were pretty ignorant and while it does not represent all young Laotian woman, I still cringe at the thought of how some of our young ladies are uneducated.  Yes, I did laugh at their answers then I was reflective afterwards.When one of the host says that the beauty pageant contestants crack him up, Billy, the other hosts says ” I guess it’s a beauty pageant not an intelligent contest”.  Then his friend retorts, ” Man don’t say that!”  I have to agree with Billy when he comments and implies that those girls are not very bright. It definitely was not  a contest to see how smart these girls were, but they should at least represent Laotian girls better than that.

 1. What is your race? 2. What is your age?

3. Did you finish high school? Why or Why not?

4. Did you go into the military? Why or Why not?

5.  Did you go into the workforce after high school? Why?

6. Did you go to college?  Do you think it is important to obtain a college degree? Why or Why not?

7. Do you think you have to be smart to go to college?

Lao/Thai Soap Opera

Pleng Ruk Rim Fang Kong Lakorn
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

I just got done watching the Lao Lakorn (soap opera) starring Weir and Alexandra.  I can definitely confess that I was obsessed with that love story!  Thank God for Darly at for posting the episodes! I was like a druggie who was hooked!  The Lakorn was so good because of the chemistry between the two lead actors.  Also the songs were awesome.  In fact I liked the songs so much I ordered the CD from  If you have nothing better do or needed to be reminded of what a good Lao love story is then you need to watch it. has all the episodes. I love the story because it shows how traditional Lao courtship is  like: sweet and tender.  The Lakorn reminded me of my teenage years growing up as a young woman in the Lao community. It brought back memories of how the young Lao men showed  how they liked you through sweet compliments and songs. The guys took the time to make you feel special and pretty through with their teasing.  I don’t think dating is like that anymore.  I think we rush through the process of getting to know someone because we get toobusy or just plain lazy to put too much effort into winning someone’s heart.

Ten Indicators that you grew up in a traditional Laotian household!

Category: Quiz/Survey

1. Since you were not allowed to go anywhere, you didn’t need a curfew!

2. No boyfriends if you are a girl unless you want to end up married to him!

3. No talking back to your parents. Go ahead and try to assert your rights, and you will end up with a palm imprint on your face!  

4. Girls, you are the cook, babysitter, and maid in the house and no you didn’t get paid for it either! 

5. Girls, no dressing like a hoochie or acting like one. Go ahead and be called a eheekill by the community!

6. You are a reflection of your parents so when you do something bad, people will say they didn’t raise you right.

7. You were taught from an early age that you have to support your parents when you they get older. Don’t even think about putting them in an old folk’s home!

8.  Your parents hit you in public when you do something annoying or wrong. Standing next to a cop will not stop them from  whacking you on the head.

9. Show respect to your elders at all times even the ones who don’t deserve it!

10. Always listen to your parents because they know what’s best for you. Even if they give you advice you have not intention of following, just nod your head and smile unless you want a 10 hour lecture on respect!


To Be Strict or Not To Be Strict!

As I was thinking about my relationship with my parents, I thought of the famous quote from Hamlet, ” To be or Not to be”.  Yes, I have modified the quotation to fit my rambling.  My cousins, friends, and sisters have always adamantly believe that our parents were too strict with us when we were growing up.  To this day, we still cling to that belief like a lifeboat and we are not going to let it go anytime soon! Especially us the ones in our thirties, who were raised in a typical traditional Laotian household. I think it was worse growing up as a young Laotian Lao girl!  For example, we were not allow to have a boyfriend even if we were eighteen! Ages doesn’t matter in our household when it came to dating because your parents’ word was the law!  Breaking that law to us was worse than breaking any rules that govern society. Yes, I have to admit many of us  broke that rule by having boyfriends anyway!  However, we did not even enjoy having boyfriends because we were petrified of being  seen  talking to them, much less doing anything embarrassing.  This ever present fear, kept us physically distant from our boyfriends!  Either I am getting too old or I am too old fashion, but I think some young Laotian girls have way too much freedom when it comes to dating.  They pretty much can and do whatever they want without fear of reprisal!  Do you think parents should be stricter or not when it comes to their daughters?