Tag Archives: running

We are waiting in the same line

The lone runner
The lone runner

Last night in my pursuit of the supermoon, I found myself, my kids and their friends on a lonely road. Okay, I’m being a bit dramatic because there were two other cars parked on the side of the dirt road next to us. I don’t know what those two men were doing or discussing because they were speaking in Spanish. We just found it weird that they choose a lonely road to meet but hey who am I to judge since I was out there too!

As we stood there waiting for the sun to set I noticed how many drivers passed by and just stared at us like we were doing something bad. Some even slow down their cars to look even though it was obvious that I was taking pictures of the sunset. I wanted to tell them, ‘Don’t look at me, look to your left at that amazing sunset behind the mountain.” Watching all the people drive by reminds me how we don’t appreciate or take the time to enjoy nature’s glory. Why are we always rushing here and there? Why don’t we take a moment to simply sit, be still, be in the moment and watch the sunset. Are we afraid to slow down because then we have to face our own mortality? Do we constantly fill our lives with activities so we don’t have to remember that we are all waiting in the same line with the same outcome: death.

I deliberately capture the lone runner and kept him in the frame to remind me that life really does not have to be a race to see who will get there first. Eventually we will all get there.

Running along ( in my case shuffling)

I am on vacation and visting my siblings in Phoenix. When  I got here yesterday I told my brother-in-law to go running with me so I can see and feel the difference running on the pavement has on my ankle and legs.  We left the house sometime after 6 and it was warm already!  I told my brother-in-law that he does not have to wait for me because I have to go at my own pace, find my own rhythum.  I tell him this because one it’s true, two he is a good runner compare to me.  He runs 9 minute miles. 

I listened to music from my little sister’s ipod.  I focused on my breathing, in through my nose and out my mouth.  I relaxed my body, trying to keep it loose and fluid as I run, with my hands relaxed and not closed. The track we ran was along running paths and through streets.  I ran on pavement, grass and pressed down dirt.  I wore my work out pants and tank top which made me realize I would have to get comfortable and lightweight running shorts.  I’m not looking forward to wearing that because my legs are chunky, but I figure if I run fast enough nobody will be able to see it!:)

At the end of my run, I stretched and  noticed that my ankle feels okay. However, my right thigh aches a little.  My brother-in-law thinks I am leaning more on my right side more heavily.  Also, as I run I tend to pound on the front of my toes instead of going from heel to toes.  I think I need to make a conscious effort to remind myself to start from heels and then end with front of my foot. 

My brother-in-law is going to take me to a shoe store so I can get tested to see what running shoes would fit my running style.  I am definitely excited about that. 

It took me about one hour and fifteen minutes to to do two miles!  I need to increase my speed if I am going to be able to finish the half-marathon in three hours.  I have a  better understanding and sympathy for what marathon runners go through! I am in awe of runners who can sustain their pace for so many miles!  After two, I felt okay, but I need to work harder!  I will shuffle on!  This heat is a killer though!

San Diego: Half Marathon Location

As I had mentioned, I went to my AP U.S. History conference at USD in San Diego.  While I was there, I checked the area as well as the weather.  One thing is for sure, the area where we will be running is beautiful.  The weather is much cooler than Yuma, I even got cold in the morn!  I did not get to run since the people I was with did not want to go with me.  Instead, I just walked around campus.  Almost every morning as I was heading to my conference I would see the same couple ( about 55ish) walking.  It was like they were reminding me I needed to get back to my training!  They were not the only ones I saw walking and running.  Everytime I would see people running I had this weird urge to just drop everything and join them even though I was decked out in my little casual professional teacher clothing!  So, I can totally understand what  John Bingham was saying in Chapter 12: The Time of Your life where he was describing his urge to run while at a professional conference in Chicago. Unlike him, I didn’t throw off my clothes and hop into my workout outfit and go run because for one, I was in the car with others on my way to the conference.  John had an advantage, he was in his hotel room when he saw the runners on the lakefront so it was easy for him to give in to his urge.  I, on the other hand did not want to shock the other teachers as well as get thrown in jail for public indecency! I can see the headlines: Laotian teacher caught running naked down the street! My teaching career would definitely be over, but I guess my career as a naked running teacher would began!:)

San Diego is a  runner’s haven.  I say that because it is so beautiful.  I can really understand why so many people would want to run there because the scenery makes it worthwhile.  You can go running around Seaport Village where you can see sailboats, ships and boats or you could go run on the beaches especially the one close to Hotel Del Coronado.

The Courage to Start by John ” The Penguin” Bingham

A Guide To Running for Your Life

Cover design by Francine Kass

To get mentally prepared for the half marathon in San Diego I am reading this motivational book, The Courage to Start by John Bingham. My principal has kindly loaned it to me to inspire, push, and remind me to give myself the benefit of the doubt when it comes to running.  I totally forgot about finishing the book or the excitement I felt when I register to participate in the half marathon.  I am glad that Amphone and Lucky reminded me of the reason why I had signed up in the first place which is: living life to the fullest by challenging myself to step out of my own comfort zone once in a while. I have let my self-doubt and fear of failure dominate my fighting spirit.  I have never back down from a challenge before so why start now?! It didn’t even dawn on me until I reread Amphone’s and Lucky’s comments over again that I was basically setting myself up for failure by whining before the race even start! By saying I hated running, I was in a sense giving myself permission to fail, using that as a safety net. Upon further contemplation, I know that my real hatred is not the act of running, it’s the fear of pushing myself physically to the limit.  Am I in a weird way afraid of my own potential because it might change who I am as a person?  Maybe I am frighten that once I  realize my full physical and mental ability, I would be forced to do more and be more? Wow! What a tantalizing thought! 

This self musing has reminded me of a very important lesson John Bingham teaches in the book. I love what he says about running ” Running can teach us to accept who we are and to challenge who we are at the same time.  Running can teach you how to be all of who you are.  In time, with care and patience, you will get closer and closer to the essential you.  Each step will take you further from the expectations of everyone else and closer to yourself.” 

He is so  right!  He just reminded me that I need to take a break from meeting the expectations of others and to love the journey I am on which is:  self discovery!:)