Tag Archives: sudan

They Poured Fire On Us From the Sky


The kids  with one of the “boys” who are now grown men!

I am a voracious avid reader! Reading is more than a hobby, it’s an obsession.  I am in a book club with other ladies.  When it was my turn to pick a book to read, I chose The Poured Fire On Us From the Sky. It is a story of three Lost Boys from Sudan. Benson Deng, Alephonsion Deng, Benjamin Ajak are the authors but they had help from Judy A. Berstein.

 The book is heart warming and heart wrenching because the refugee boys in the book triumphs over unimaginable horrors.  Benson, Alephension, and Benjamin are among the “tens of thousands of young boys who took flight from the massacres of Sudan’s civil war between 1987 and 1989” (book cover). The story describes in simple languages their journey as refugees who were were forced to flee their homes, friends, and family in order to survive.  As a refugee myself, I can identify with the feeling of love and lost these young boys have experienced.  This book really exemplifies how we all suffer the same way no matter what our race, socio-economic background, or education.

Visit the book’s website at www.TheyPouredFire.com for free book club, school, and church group discussion.