Tag Archives: military diet

Treat yourself!

1010734_10151923279693386_65784973_nThis is my second week on that “military diet” and I have to say, I don’t look as bloated. I will weigh myself at school tomorrow when I go in to work. The first three days I had only lost 1 pound. As for my appetite, it has been pretty manageable but today I did have a major craving for my curry dish! I might make some this weekend as  my “treat” meal. I’m not going to call it my “cheat” meal because I don’t call living life  ” cheating”.  We should savor our food and enjoy it without feeling guilty!

Military Diet

military diet

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Last week my daughter and I did the 3 day military diet to jump start our health and fitness commitment. When we started this, we did not expect to lose anything even though it says you can lose up to 10 pounds on the diet. After three days, I only lost one pound and that is without cheating. My daughter cheated but she didn’t weigh herself. As with any diet, it depends on the person and the commitment. Before starting any diet it is best to go to a primary care provider and get your blood work done so you know what shape you in. A blood work is good to do because according to the website, Everyday Health, ” … [A ] common blood test is the basic metabolic panel to check your heart, kidney and liver function by looking at your blood glucose, calcium, and electrolyte levels. And to check for heart disease risk, you may have a lipoprotein panel that measures levels of fats in your blood, like good cholesterol (HDL), bad cholesterol (LDL), and triglycerides.” All these are important to know and have so that you can see if you have made any improvements in your health during your diet and fitness commitment. Sometimes, we get so obsessed with the numbers on the scale that we forget that the pounds may not drop as fast as we want but we may have gotten healthier. Like they say, your blood work don’t lie.

Here is what my daughter and I have learned from our three day experience. We noticed that the military diet, helped us become more cognizant of our portion size. We also realize that we didn’t miss all the salt and sauces so much that we would normally put on our food.  And we both agree that during the week while we are at work and school, we will stick to the breakfast and lunch suggestion. We may change it around for variety. For example, we may have toast with peanut butter and an apple instead of toast and an egg.

Here an example of breakfast.



Here’s lunch!

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And dinner samples. I used Nathan’s reduce fat hotdogs!



This small steak, fruits and green beans was filling


And yes you can have ice cream!

If you would like to read the full article about blood work, here it is: 10 Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Blood Work