Tag Archives: half-marathons

Marathon Workout for the week

While I was visting my siblings in Phoenix, I went to the Runner’s Den where they have experts to help you pick the right shoes.  The guy who helped me was very patient.  He had me walk in front of him, back and forth to see what my problem was.  I had told him my right knee hurt from running the day before.  He had me tried on several shoes and took me outside to see how I ran. Also, he wanted for me to see which shoes felt the most comfortable.  They all felt great, I wanted to keep running!  However, the people driving by did give me strange looks.  They probably thought I was running off with the shoes without paying!

 The shoe man figure out that I over pronate and gave me several shoes to try on to correct my foot issue.  According to New Balance shoe website:

     Over-pronators generally land in a pronated position and continue to roll significantly inward as they go from heel strike to toe off. They exhibit excessive inward motion and are best served with shoes offering medial (inside edge) support via a Medial Post or shoes featuring the ROLLBAR® technology.

Running shoes I finally settled on
Running shoes I finally settled on
Felt about the same as NB shoes
Felt about the same as NB shoes


Loved the design, but Nike felt slightly better
Loved the design, but Nike felt slightly better

To make a long story short, I tried on several shoes that would help with my over pronation issues such as:  New Balance,Nike, and Asics. All comfy shoes, but Nike felt a little better.


Monday:  five minutes warm up, 45 minutes run/walk= 3 miles, 5 minutes cool down.  New shoes definitely help with my over pronation.

Tuesday: 1 hour Yoga, felt great. 

Wednesday: T-N-T: Tight-N-Toned! Hour long total body sculpting class using dumbbells, bands, steps…etc (didn’t get to TNT so I did upper body and abs instead)

Thursday:  Pilates, Tai chi or Yoga.  I haven’t decided yet.  Maybe 30 minutes (2 mile run) before or after. ( Went running hills with my club member)

Friday: 20 minutes bike, 20 minutes elliptical, and 20 treadmill ( 2 hours yard work instead)

San Diego: Half Marathon Location

As I had mentioned, I went to my AP U.S. History conference at USD in San Diego.  While I was there, I checked the area as well as the weather.  One thing is for sure, the area where we will be running is beautiful.  The weather is much cooler than Yuma, I even got cold in the morn!  I did not get to run since the people I was with did not want to go with me.  Instead, I just walked around campus.  Almost every morning as I was heading to my conference I would see the same couple ( about 55ish) walking.  It was like they were reminding me I needed to get back to my training!  They were not the only ones I saw walking and running.  Everytime I would see people running I had this weird urge to just drop everything and join them even though I was decked out in my little casual professional teacher clothing!  So, I can totally understand what  John Bingham was saying in Chapter 12: The Time of Your life where he was describing his urge to run while at a professional conference in Chicago. Unlike him, I didn’t throw off my clothes and hop into my workout outfit and go run because for one, I was in the car with others on my way to the conference.  John had an advantage, he was in his hotel room when he saw the runners on the lakefront so it was easy for him to give in to his urge.  I, on the other hand did not want to shock the other teachers as well as get thrown in jail for public indecency! I can see the headlines: Laotian teacher caught running naked down the street! My teaching career would definitely be over, but I guess my career as a naked running teacher would began!:)

San Diego is a  runner’s haven.  I say that because it is so beautiful.  I can really understand why so many people would want to run there because the scenery makes it worthwhile.  You can go running around Seaport Village where you can see sailboats, ships and boats or you could go run on the beaches especially the one close to Hotel Del Coronado.