Tag Archives: Apple cider

The Pumpkin Patch in Rhode Island




Farm grew more than just pumpkins but during fall season they are known for their pumpkin patch!


Yes you could take your kids to a local grocery store to pick a pumpkin but somehow it’s not as fun or exciting!


Many choices to pick from!


Fresh farm grown veggies!


WE love the hayride to the corn maze!


My daughter and her Aunt just enjoying the ride and conversation.


Wet got our clues for the corn maze puzzles!


I reminded my children of the movie, ” Children of the Corn!”


My daughter,Anora reading the first clue and trying to solve it to get to the next!

Memories! Lots of them! One of my favorite things to give my children is happy memories so that when they have children of their own they can say things like, ” Your grandma used to take us into the corn fields and try to scare the shit out of us by leaving us there!” In all honesty, I was the one who was scared that some insane killer from the movie, ” Children of the Corn” was going to pop out and grab me! My kids were laughing at me for being paranoid that some crazy person was going to do an reenactment of the movie! They were more focus on figuring out the clues to the corn maze so we can find our way out! With a minor help from and Eagle Scout who happened to be at the corn maze, we were able to figure out the clues and got out of the maze! Okay it may have taken us two hours but hey we got out and I didn’t get jumped by any deranged person or scare scrow! It’s nice to be out in nature and hang with your kids instead of sitting in front of the TV.


